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ASTM E354-2014 高温钢、电炉钢、磁钢和其它类似的铁、镍和钴基合金化学分析的试验方法
标准号: ASTM E354-2014 
标准名称: 高温钢、电炉钢、磁钢和其它类似的铁、镍和钴基合金化学分析的试验方法
英文名: Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of High-Temperature,Electrical,Magnetic,and Other Similar Iron,Nickel,and Cobalt Alloys
页数: 35
发布时间: -
实施时间: 2014-9-15
替代标准: ASTM E354-1993(2006)
标准备注: ASTM E354-2014
被替代标准: 代替标准:ASTM E354-1993(2006)
范围:1.1 These test methods cover the chemical analysis of high-temperature, electrical, magnetic, and other similar iron, nickel, and cobalt alloys having chemical compositions within the following limits:1.3 Methods for the determination of several elements not included in this standard can be found in Test Methods E 30 and Test Methods E 1019. 1.4 Some of the concentration ranges given in are too broad to be covered by a single method and therefore this standard contains multiple methods for some elements. The user must the proper method by matching the information given in the Scope and Interference sections of each method with the composition of the alloy to be analyzed. 1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. In some cases, exceptions allowed in Practice E 380 are also used.This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropria
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